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Image by Larm Rmah


We create resources that empower churches to lead more effectively.

Pastor's Gatekeeper

Leadership Development

What they don’t tell you in pastor school is that on the journey to the Promised Land, elders fight and sheep bite. The calling of pastoral leadership is at the same time the most important and most difficult job on earth.


We seek to provide resources and relationships that equip, empower and encourage pastors to be effective gatekeepers of themselves and their ministries.


Trauma-informed ministry

Workshop and Publication

When troubles turn into trauma, don’t get traumatized. 


Can you imagine trying to change the oil or tires on a moving car? That is how church ministry leaders have felt during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to keeping their ministries up and running, they have had to change structures, procedures and relationships at the same time. It has been pressure-filled and traumatic.


Trauma-Informed Ministry is a five-part training designed to increase trauma awareness, instill coping skills for healing, and build resilience.

Image by Kari Shea

Rethinking Outreach & Discipleship

Two Day Workshop

Discipleship is a catalytic roundtable. Rethinking Outreach and Discipleship is a workshop where churches (staff and non-staff) come together with other like-minded leaders to learn how to reach nonbelievers and disciple new believers now and in the changing future.


You will examine such vital outreach areas as:

1. How is your ministry giving unchurched people an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel?

2. What is your plan for making disciples who make disciples?-How are you equipping your church members to reach their circles of influence?

3. If your church were to close today, who outside of your congregation, would be spiritually affected?

Image by Helena Hertz

Addressing Racism


How do we untangle the confusing web of race and racism in our lives, the church and the World?


"D-R=AA" is a workshop that digs into the roots of the problem of racism in our churches to give practical steps towards hope and healing.

Rubber Plant
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